Books/CDs Store
List of Publications 2021
S.No. | Title | Printed Book Price in Rs. | Discounted sale Price For Sale in Ashram Rs. | Discounted sale Price For Non Devotees in Rs. |
1 | Kashmir Shaivism (The Secret Supreme) Indian Edition | 500/- | 350/- | 400/- |
2a | Lectures on Principle and Discipline in Kashmir Shaivism (Hard Bound) | 150/- | 100/- | 120/- |
2b | Lectures on Principle and Discipline in Kashmir Shaivism (Soft Bound) | 100/- | 100/- | 100/- |
3 | Shiv Sutras (Indian Edition) | 700/- | 500/- | 550/- |
4 | Vijnana Bhairva – Manual on Self Realization (Indian Edition) | 700/- | 500/- | 550/- |
5 | Bhagvad Gita in the Light of Kashmir Shaivism Indian Edition (with Audio CD) | 1500/- | 750/- | 900/- |
6 | Festival of Devotion & Praise – Shivastotravali by Utpaldeva – Indian Edition (with Audio CD) | 1350/- | 675/- | 800/- |
7 | Abhniavaguptas Parmarthasara | 500/- | 350/- | 400/- |
8 | Kundalani Vijnana Rahaysam (New Edition) | 50/- | 50/- | 50/- |
9 | Mystery of Vibrationless Vibration in Kashmir Shaivism – Vasuguptas Spanda Karika and Kshemarajs Spanda Sandoha | 700/- | 500/- | 550/- |
10 | Light on Tantra – Abnivaguptas Tantraloka – Chapter 1 | 1000/- | 700/- | 800/- |
11 | Light on Tantra – Abnivaguptas Tantraloka – Chapter 2&3 | 1200/- | 850/- | 950/- |
12 | Magical Jewel of Devotion in Kashmir Shaivism (Stavchintamani) | 500/- | 350/- | 400/- |
13 | Shaivacharya Swami LakshmanjooA Brief Life Sketch | 50/- | 50/- | 50/- |
14 | BADI BOD (Short Stories for Children) | 50/- | 50/- | 50/- |
S.No. | Title | Printed Book Price in Rs. | Discounted Sale Price for Sale in Ashram in Rs. | Discounted Sale Price for Non-Devotees in Rs. |
1 | Sri Gurustutih (New Edition) | 450/- | 300/- | 350/- |
2 | Sri Samb Panchshika | 200/- | 150/- | 160/- |
3 | Shivastotravali (New Edition) | 600/- | 400/- | 500/- |
3a | Shivastotravali (Slokas only) | 50/- | 50/- | 50/- |
4 | Trik Shastra Rahasya Prakriya | 300/- | 200/- | 250/- |
5 | Panchastavi with Hindi transalation (HardBound) | 200/- | 150/- | 160/- |
6a | SriKramanyapradipika (Hard Bound) | 150/- | 100/- | 120/- |
6b | SriKramanyapradipika (Soft Bound) | 100/- | 100/- | 100/- |
7 | Tantraloka (First Ahnika) manuscript | 50/- | 50/- | 50/- |
8 | Stuti Chandrika (New Edition) | 50/- | 50/- | 50/- |
9 | Snan Sandyopasana Vidhi with Gurugita manuscript | 50/- | 50/- | 50/- |
9 | Kshmerajas Pratyabhijnahrdayam | 250/- | 175/- | 200/- |
Audio CDs (English)
S.No. | Title | Printed Book Price (Rs.) | Discounted Sale Price for Ashram (Rs.) | Discounted Sale Price for Non-Devotees (Rs.) |
1 | Amriteshwar Bhairav Mantra (English) | 100 | 50 | 50 |
2 | Bhagvad Gita (Abhinavaguptas Sangraha Slokas) | 100 | 50 | 50 |
3 | Abhinavaguptas Bodhapanchadashika (English) | 100 | 50 | 50 |
4 | Kshemarajas Parapraveshika – Set of 2 CDS | 200 | 100 | 100 |
5 | Shiv Sutras (English) (Set of 2 MP3 Cds) | 400 | 200 | 200 |
6 | Gunas, Devotion, Meditation & Grace Set of 3 Cds | 300 | 150 | 150 |
7 | Kashmir Shaivism-The secret Supreme Mp3 | 100 | 50 | 50 |
S.No. | Title | Printed Book Discounted sale Price | Discounted sale Price in Rs. (For Sale in Ashram) | Discounted sale Price for Non Devotees in Rs. |
1 | Radio Interview on aspects of Kashmir Shaivism & Kundalini Revealations (Hindi) | Rs.100/- | Rs.50/- | Rs.50/- |
S.No. | Title | Printed Book Discounted sale Price | Discounted sale Price in Rs. (For Sale in Ashram) | Discounted sale Price for Non Devotees in Rs. |
1 | Sri Tantraloka (194 Audio Lectures) MP3 Cds | Rs.4000/- | Rs.2000/- | Rs.2000/- |
2 | Sri Utpaldevas Shivastotravali (Selected Verses) Set of 4 MP3 CDs | Rs.500/- | Rs.250/- | Rs.250/- |
3 | Yams and Niyams in Kashmir Shaivism | Rs.100/- | Rs.50/- | Rs.50/- |
4 | Radio Interview on Aspects of Kashmir Shaivism (KASHMIRI) | Rs.100/- | Rs.50/- | Rs.50/- |
5 | Golden Lecture Series – I Meditation | Rs.150/- | Rs.75/- | Rs.75/- |
6 | Golden Lecture Series -2 Panchastavi & Selected Discourses at Haridwar | Rs.150/- | Rs.75/- | Rs.75/- |
7 | Golden Lecture Series -3 Amriteshwar Bhairav Mantra, Gurugita & 4 Schools of Thought in Kashmir Shaivism (KASHMIRI) | Rs.150/- | Rs.75/- | Rs.75/- |
8 | Stutikusumanjali Selected Verses (Kashmiri) Mp3 | Rs.300/- | Rs.150/- | Rs.150/- |
9 | Maharthmajari Selected Verses (Kashmiri) Mp3 | Rs.300/- | Rs.150/- | Rs.150/- |
10 | Paratrmishika Selected Verses (Kashmiri) Mp3 | Rs.150/- | Rs.75/- | Rs.75/- |
11 | Shiv Sutras MP3 CD (Kashmiri) MP3 | Rs.300/- | Rs.150/- | Rs.150/- |
12 | Shirmad Bhagavagita (Kashmiri) MP3 | Rs.200/- | Rs.100/- | Rs.100/- |
13 | Iswar Pratibhijnana Vimarshini – Selected Verses | Rs.150/- | Rs.75/- | Rs.75/- |
S.No. | Title | Printed Book Discounted sale Price | Discounted sale Price in Rs. (For Sale in Ashram) | Discounted sale Price for Non Devotees in Rs. |
1 | Sri Gurustuti and other Verses | Rs.200/- | Rs.100/- | Rs.100/- |
S.No. | Title | Printed Book Discounted sale Price | Discounted sale Price in Rs. (For Sale in Ashram) | Discounted sale Price for Non Devotees in Rs. |
1 | Abhinavaguptas Paramarthsara Selected Verses | Rs.500/- | Rs.250/- | Rs.250/- |
2 | Bhagwadgita in the Light of Kashmir Shaivism (Chapters 1-6) | DVDs | Rs.2000/- | Rs.1000/- |
3 | Secret Supreme-and Parmarthsara Selected Verses of Acharya Abhinavagupta – DVD | Rs.200/- | Rs.100/- | Rs.100/- |
S.No. | Item Description | Price in Rs. (For Sale in Ashram) | Price for Non Devotees in Rs. |
1A | Car Photo of Swami Lakshmanjoo (DIVINITY GOLDEN) | 300/- | 300/- |
1B | Car Photo of Swami Lakshmanjoo (DIVINITY GOLDEN) | 300/- | 300/- |
2 | Car Photo of Swami Lakshmanjoo (Acrylic) | 50/- | 50/- |
3 | Locket Acrylic of Swami Lakshmanjoo | 30/- | 30/- |
4A | Portrait Photo of Swami Lakshmanjoo (4″ x 6″) | 10/- | 10/- |
4B | Portrait Photo of Swami Lakshmanjoo (8″ x 10″) | 50/- | 50/- |