About Us.
A Few Words About Us
Ishwar Ashram – Shaivacharya Swami Lakshmanjoo ( 1907-1991) lived in this Ishwar Ashram Located on the foothills of Zabarwan Mountain range , near Nishat Moghul Garden across famous Dal lake of Srinagar from 1962 till attainment of his Mahasamdhi in September 1991 .
Ishwar Ashram is a seat of learning and centre of attraction for all the seekers and learners of ancient Kashmir Shiva Philosophy .Swamiji was instrumental in revival of Kashmir Shaiva Philosophy to the world and taught texts on Kashmir Shaiva Philospohy to many Indian and western Scholars who came from across the globe from this Ishwar Ashram . Ashram was vibrant with Devotees coming on Sundays to have Darshan of Gurudev and learn Kashmir Shiva Philosophy from the realised Shaiva .Master.
Swamijis Birthday was celebrated by thousands of Devotees in Ishwar Ashram who came across India on this auspicious occasion to have darshan of Gurudev and seek his blessings on this day .
After Mahasamadhi of Shaivacharya Swami Lakshmanjoo in Sept 1991 , Ishwar Ashram was registered as Ishwar Ashram Trust in May 1992 as per Will of Gurudev and Trust has continued to the tradition of Propagation of Kashmir Shaiva Philosophy and in addition to it Sunday Pujas , discourses and Yajnas/Havan in the Ishwar Ashram Premisis.
Ishwar Ashram Trust -Aims and Objects
- To establish, run and maintain centres for the propagation of SHIVA PHILOSOPHY OF KASHMIR SCHOOL AT ISHWAR ASHRAM, PO. BREIN, ISHBER, KASHMIR and such other place/places as may be decided.
- To create, establish, run and maintain place/places as Centre/Centres of Meditation, Discourses, Meetings, Satsangs etc.,
- To acquire, purchase, publish, print buy and sell, books, publications of Shiva Philosophy, to make, purchase, issue and sell audio and video cassettes on thoughts and philosophy of Swamiji and to organize lectures, recitations, photographs, discourses and related literature on philosophy of Shavism and comprised and contained in Shiva Sutras and other religious and philosophical works and as propounded by Swamiji and other saintly personalities on “SHIVA PHILOSOPHY OF KASHMIR SCHOOL”.
- To organize memorial lectures, discourses, seminars, conferences, classes, educational programmes and research work on “Shiva Philosophy of Kashmir”.
- To organize lectures, teaching classes, courses and other programmes on the practice and principles of meditation.
- To organize lectures, courses, periodical meetings, prayer meetings, havans, yajnas, bandars, pujas, satsangs in accordance with the periodically and practices in vougeue in Ishwar Ashram during the life time of swamiji at such Ashram and other places as may be throught fit to be expedient for accessibility of the devotees and fulfillment of the objectives of the Trust.
- To print, publish, circulate or otherwise make known or propogate the teachings of “Shiva Philosophy of kashmir School” in all its dimensions by means of publication, printing, making and issue of periodicals, magazines, handouts, pamphlets, advertisements, books, souveners, audio cassettes, video cassettes and such other means of communication as may be expedient and for such purposes to acquire printing presses, offset machines, duplicating machines and related equipments, tools and tackles.
- To preach, publish, advertise, propagate in every manner possible the virtues of harmony, mutual goodwill, peace, tranquility, austerity amongst the devotees without distinction of religion caste, creed, colour and sex.
- To organize the meetings of the devotees of Swamiji without any restrictions on account of religion, caste, colour, creed, sex, nationality and to encourage continuous and harmonious interaction amongst the devotees.
- To preach, propogate and encourage or otherwise enforce the adherence to vegetarianism and obstenance from drugs, narcotics and alcohol.
- To hold, acquire, otherwise come into possession of property both movable and immovable and to use the earnings from such properties for attainment of the objects of the trust.
- To establish, acquire, manage and run printing house, publishing and distribution centres for books, periodicals, magazines, journals, for propogating the “Shiva Philosophy of Kashmir School” at all centres of the trust and other places, wherever convenient.
- To receive, accept, collect and otherwise come into possession of cash, securities, movable and immovable properties, valuables, works of Art, idols, books, manscripts, religious books by way of donations, charities, gifts, subscriptions, contributions, grants and or in any other manner and to utilize such proceeds or earnings from out of such valuables for the objects of the trust.
- To setup scholarships to enable deserving persons without the distinction of caste, creed, religion and sex for pursuance and research in the Shiva Philosophy of Kashmir School and for advancement of such knowledge and research to attain the objects of the trust.
- To organize, finance, sponsor, support, institute or otherwise associate with study tours, research work, lectures, meetings, satsangs, discourses, conferences, organized by any person, personality, institution, college, university, Trust, endowment or any other body of any ame or description provided such an association helps in attaining the objects of the trust.
- To open, establish, setup, sponsor, or otherwise organize branches, camps, bodies, associations, societies, centres or affiliates at any place in India or abroad for the attainment of the objects of the trust.
- To open, maintain, hold and operates Savings Bank Accounts, Current Accounts, term deposit accounts with the banks and to authorize the trustees to operate such accounts.
- To invest the surplus funds of the trust in such securities, deposits and investments as may be authorized and Trust Act and relevant provisions of the Income Tax Act as applicable to the trusts.
- To do such other things as may be incidental or ancillary to the attainment of the main objects of the trust.
- To carry forward the mission of Shaivacharya Ishwarswaroop Swami Lakshmanjoo Maharaj to propagate the sacred and ancient non-dual philosophy of “KASHMIR SHAVISM” through education, research, publications, preservation of existing manuscripts, teachings, lectures audio/video recordings and other suitable means of communication.
- To collate and disseminate ancient knowledge and wisdom of all Indian vedic Philosophies in general and in particular with respect to non-dual philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism .
- To envisage and plan the task aforesaid involve Scholars, Academicians and Research experts and take the benefit of their professional expertise.
- To organize teaching classes, seminars, conferences workshops, lecture series study tours, online virtual courses, distance learning education, vocational education etc.,and to institute wards, fellowships, scholarships and prizes to promote the teachings.
- To seek assistance of renowned scholors, academicians, research experts, spiritual personalities to help in dessimination of teachings of non dual philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism.
- To help poor and needy by providing financial support for their welfare as well to provide free meals, organize free langars and extend all assistance to spread and promote literacy amongst destitute, poor and classified backward classes.
- To acquire hold maintain, run or dispose of any immovable properties in form of shrines, temples, ashrams, dharmsalas, prayer halls, dormitories, lecture halls, libraries, museums and other necessary structures to help deserving aspirants to stay thereat.
- To receive, accept, collect and record all money’s which come unto their possession by way of cash, securities, valuables like, gold, silver and jewellery, idols, books, manuscripts, properties- movable or immovable by way of donations, charities, gifts, contributions, grants and in any other manner and to utilize all such receipts or earnings for the objects of the Trust.
- To institute, establish, maintain libraries, resource centres, book banks and to donate to the existing libraries run by educational institutions, either by way of books and provide space for running libraries and facilities for scholars, teachers, researchers and people interested to buy books at concessional and reduced rate or free of charge as the case may be.
- To arrange events at the State, National and International levels to promote advanced learning among scholars, teachers, researchers and people interested from different age groups and to provide all possible assistance to participants.
- To work with all similar entities and institutions having similar objects to effectively network with scholars, educators and teachers.
- To purchase, acquire and otherwise make available such as copyright in distribution relation to any books, manuscripts, video/audio recordings, research papers, journals and periodicals, with a view to develop, print, publish and distribute the same by the Trust itself or in collaboration or association with other entities for disseminating knowledge in any subjects intended to scholars, researchers, teachers or people interested of schools, research centres, colleges and educational institutes for furtherance of the objects of this trust..
- The Trust shall provide educational facility to the helpless and do all such lawful things as are incidental, ancillary or conducive to the attainment of any of the objects for the benefits of the community.