Amriteshwar Bhairawa Temple
In 1981, Swamiji expressed his desire for constructing an Amriteshwar Bhairava (Lord Shiva) Temple in the ashram premises. Subsequently the foundation-stone of this temple was laid by Swamiji himself on the 3rd of September, 1981. During the summer of 1982, two of the Swamiji’s senior devotees supervised the construction work of the temple, which continued for four or five months. During this period, Swamiji used to regularly tell them: “Wait till tomorrow for the instructions. I have to discuss first with Lord Shiva what is to be done further!” And the next day in the morning he was ready with the answer for the design. Soon, the work at the Amriteshvara Bhairava Temple was complete. On the 11th May 1983, the temple was formally inaugurated by Swamiji who personally performed the yajna.
Irrespective of the weather or season, Swamiji used to perform daily puja in the temple every morning at 5 a.m
Soon after the inauguration Swamiji gave to his devotees the secret exposition of the Amriteshvara Bhairava Mantra .
Temple Timings :
Morning : 6 am – 9am
Evening : 4 pm – 7 pm
“Om Jum Sah Amriteshwara Bhairavaya Namah”.
Listen to Amriteshwar Bhairav Mantra Audio in Swamijis Voice
Audio Link
antarālīna-tattvaughaṁ cidānanda-ghanaṁ mahat / yat-tattvaṁ śaiva-dhāmākhyaṁ
tadomityabhidhīyate //1//
- That Being, who has kept the 36 elements comprising the 118 worlds in his body, who is a compacted mass of consciousness and bliss, and who is exceedingly great, that Being is said to be the nature of Lord Śiva/Amṛteśvarabhairava and that is ‘Oṁ’.
tādṛgātma-parāmarśa-śālinī śakti-rasya yā / deśa-kālā-pariccinnā sā juṁ-śabdena-kathyate //2//
2. The energy [śakti] of that Oṁ is glorified with the State of Lord Śiva/Amṛteśvarabhairava. It is unlimited by time, space and form. This energy is indicated by the mantra ‘Juṁ
sisṛkṣo-llekha-nirmāṇa-śakti-tritaya-nirbharā / jagato yeśitā-śaktiḥ sā sa ityu-cyate sphuṭam //3//
3. The energy of independence, svātantrya śakti, which is comprised of the three energies; will, knowledge and action, finding expression as the desire to create, planning to create and the act of creation, rules over the 118 worlds. This is indicated by the mantra ‘Saḥ’
sva-śaktyabhi-vyakti-maye mokṣe’syai-śvarya-yogataḥ / svo-pāsakānām-amṛte-śvara-tvaṁ tasya susphuṭam //4//
4. Liberation, mokṣa, cannot be achieved simply by action or effort. Rather, it is only attained by those followers who are searching for the ‘Self’ and who are longing to achieve it. Only then will the ‘free will’ of Lord Śiva transform you. This is the meaning of ‘Amṛteśvara
nīla-harṣādi-bhedena yad-bāhyā-bhyantaraṁ jagat / aham-ityā-mṛśan-pūrṇo bhairavaḥ samudā-hṛtaḥ //5//
5. When he has established himself in his own real nature in the state of one-pointed internal self awareness, then he must come out and experience that same glamour in both the internal mental and the external objective world. Blessed by Amṛteśvara, he will experience, “I am this, I am this, I am this internal world of objects and I am this external world of objects. There is no other element than myself”. This is the meaning of ‘Bhairava’
deha-prāṇa-sukhā-dīnāṁ nyag-bhāvād-bhakta-saṁhate / yā cidātmani viśrāntir-namaḥ-śabdena socyate //6//
6. What does it mean to say, “I bow to Bhairava”? Real bowing is to drive this physical body, this whole universe which is existing in the outside world, into the internal world, which is also a body, the subtle body, the body governing the dreaming state. Then, in turn, this subtle state must be pushed into that subtler and more refined state, the body of dreamless sleep. And ultimately all these bodies are driven inside the body of consciousness. This is real bowing and this is the meaning of ‘Namaskāra’.