Places of Interest: Shankarpal – Shiva Sutra Rock Dachigam Forest Reserve

Shiva Sutras are a collection of seventy seven aphorisms that form the foundation of the tradition of Kashmir Shaivism. They are attributed to the Acharya Vasugupta of the 9th century C.E.

Acharya Vasugupta is said to have lived near Mahadeva Mountain in the valley of the Harvan stream behind what are now the Shalimar Gardens near Srinagar.

Lord Shiva came to him in a dream and instructed him to go to a certain rock on which he would find the teachings inscribed.

This rock called Shankarpala is still visited by devotees.

Shankarpala is Located in the Dachigam wildlife sanctuary (Approx. 10 km from Ishwar Ashram,Ishber Nishat ,Srinagar )

However, the surface inscribed with sutras is facing down  and cannot be seen. Going to the sanctuary and the rock requires special permission from authorities.