Places of Interest: Swami Ram Trik Ashram ,Fatehkdal ,Srinagar ,Kashmir
Swami Ram, the grandmaster of Swami Lakshmanjoo Maharaj, was born in Dec 1854 at Habba Kadal, Srinagar. He got his primary education at home under the guidance of his father Pt. Shukdevji. His early education comprised of studying Sanskrit karmakand and learning astrology. Later Swami Ram used to visit his Guru Swami Mansa Ram Monga to learn Kashmir Shaiva philosophy. At fifteen years of age, Swami Ram married a pious lady, Saraswati Devi. During 1878-79, an earthquake shook the entire valley of Kashmir and Swami Ram lost his wife and son and his family house. This proved to be a turning point in his life and he plunged himself into his spiritual practices. Swami Ram soon attained the state of a siddha whereby he would remain constantly immersed in the “Posture of Shiva” (shambhavi-mudra).
During this period, the ruler of Jammu and Kashmir, His Highness the Maharaja Pratap Singh launched an important initiative for the revival of the lost texts of Kashmir Shaivism. The Maharaja was a devotee of Swami Ram, and upon being requested by his guru, he issued instructions to collect and publish all the seminal texts related to Kashmir Shaivism, many of which had been unavailable for centuries. These texts were later published by the Archaeological Research Department of Jammu and Kashmir under the title of the Kashmir Series of Text and Studies.
In 1882, Pandit Narain Dass requested Swami Ram to stay in one of his houses. Swami Ram consented and duly shifted to the three story building in downtown Fateh Kadal, Srinagar. Subsequently in 1884 this house became known as the Shri Ram Shaiva Trika Ashram. Apart from attending to his personal spiritual sadhana, Swami Ram also taught the secrets of the non-dual philosophy of Trika to some of his close disciples including, Swami Mahatab Kak, Swami Vidyadhar, Swami Govind Kaul and Swami Gash Kaul.
Swami Vivekananda is among some of the great saints from outside Kashmir who visited Swami Ram.Swami Ram was in deep meditation when Swami Vivekananda visited the Ashram. He found solace in his presence which he acknowledged with the remark “there is still spiritual light present in Kashmir.” When Swami Vivekananda apprised Swami Ram of the difficulties still facing his mission of spiritual rejuvenation of the world, he was advised to seek the blessings of Ragnya Mata at Tullamulla.
The advice was followed, resulting in Vivekananda’s memorable experience at the Kshir Bhavani shrine, as later described by Vivekananda in his autobiography. Soon after, Swami Vivekananda left for Chicago, USA, to attend the Parliament of World Religions in 1893.
On January 14, 1915, the day of Makara Sankranti marked the end of the earthly journey of this great Shaiva Master who revived the legacy of Shaivism toward the close of the 19th century.
Shri Ram Shaiva Trika Ashram Located at Fateh Kadal in downtown Srinagar city , Kashmir about 15 kms rom Ishwar Ashram ,Nishat is a highly revered place of worship.